Privacy Policy

Since the content and material presented over this website is legally and rightfully a part of the educational institute it becomes of utmost importance that we don’t allow the sharing of information to any third party without our knowledge. To prevent this, we have set up a privacy policy which is as follow:

  1. Personal information: Our educational institute aims at proving the students with the best and most suitable service but to do so we will need you to register yourself over the portal itself and make an account on the same. It is necessary to fill in the account details with utmost honesty. The forming of an account is just meant for the safety and assurance of both sides when it comes to payments, promised services, a trustable environment, and a few others. If you don’t wish to fill out an account then it’s perfectly alright you can still enjoy our site but you won’t be able to access the restricted areas.
  2. Cookies: cookies are a worldwide internet methodology used to save the data of users. This data is collected and analyzed in order to derive your preferences and what you generally are looking for on the internet. We need access to this very information of yours as it allows us to determine a lot of factors that could affect your progress in terms of the course you have selected for yourself. We get to gather information about the areas where you lag and areas where you could be doing well, areas where you are currently excelling.
  3. IP address: It is a number that is unique to every individual desktop, this number is what helps to identify a desktop. There is a probability that we collect your IP addresses for enrolment and further continuation of the courses. The collection of IP addresses may not be subjected to an individual’s personal information unless the circumstances arise. Even when you use our platform for your growth, your identity would be anonymous.
  4. Other uses of information: Other than the one mentioned above we may use the information in context for some other purposes such as:
    • Promotional messages of our services
    • Sending to you the information that’s related to or of your interest
    • Updating upon any changes made in the privacy policy or terms and agreement
    • Marketing offers related to our educational institute and its services
    • special or occasional offers, quizzes, or other events of such kind.
  5. Opting terms: As mentioned in clause 4 of the privacy policy we may be using the information to send in promotions, offers, information about events, and some more data that could be beneficial for you. Keeping in mind that not every user would wish to opt for this subscription we have kept an option of unsubscribing that allows the user to decline the sending of promotional and other messages. Once the user has unsubscribed to our messages, we won’t be using the personal information for the same.
  6. Use of aggregate information: The web portal will be containing of information such as the number of boys and girls using the course from our website, and the marks received by different groups of students. Based upon this information we may calculate and aggregate and share it with third parties, advertisers, investors, etc. This helps us analyze the growth of websites along with the scenario in society. We even can determine the extent of help the portal has offered to numerous students.
  7. Security of information: We over here give the safety and security of our user’s information the topmost priority. We try and make sure to do our best in avoiding the loss of data. We have established stable and secure connections for the transmission of data from one end to the other but unfortunately, at times this transmission has a data leak. we all are well aware that no transmission over the internet is safe nowadays so we can’t guarantee a hundred percent safety of the data.
  8. Protection authority: For any doubts and concerns in the context of privacy and the policy that you might have feel free to approach us and our team will clear your doubts.
  9. Accessibility to Website: Our website allows every student to have an equal opportunity of learning and growing. We don’t believe in discrimination amongst students and henceforth have kept the website open to all who require it. If you are facing any difficulties in accessing the data or material on the website or are facing issues whilst using the website, contact us and we will make sure that it is solved.
  10. Acceptance of the terms: By using our website you are said to give your consent and are in complete agreement with the above-stated privacy policy. If you don’t agree to the policy, it is recommended that you prevent from using the website and its services. If the user keeps on using the website once the changes in the privacy policy are updated shows their agreement to the made changes.