5 Tips To Succeed In Your First Semester When Studying In Canada


Every year tons of students are traveling from different countries to Canada to prepare for their higher education. Many students and their parents have experienced that college life is a daunting but exciting journey or a phase of life every adult has to go through. It might be difficult to cope with the new environment in the initial semester, especially if you are traveling from a different region. Thus to help out the new college students, we have suggested five tips that might prove to be beneficial:


  1. Find support services: Every renowned university has its department for counseling, mental health, disability services, sexual health, career centers, accommodation, and financial support. Thus, if you are looking to avail yourself of one of these services on your college website, you might find it under the heading, ‘Current Students’. The students are also supposed to attend presentations during orientation week, ask their professors and course coordinator or communicate with other students in their batch for information. One of the best ways to extract information is by communicating with other students and seniors.
  2. Library: It is another support system for the students preparing for their college semesters. First-semester students should be familiar with the university library as it focuses on developing literacy and numeracy skills, which can further benefit the student to develop their specific writing, maths, and study skills.

3. Have a scheduled timetable: It isn’t easy to juggle social and academic commitments for the new students, so it is necessary to have a scheduled routine every day. This can be done by

drawing the semester’s plan and then allotting the subjects to particular days. This might as well take the form of a timeline or calendar

  1. Avoid plagiarism:At the beginning of the first year, most students have to complete online assignments where if they are caught plagiarizing, they will risk failing a course or being expelled from their degree. This means that the students will have to provide a reference list based on the paper prepared. They should provide a reference for every work they have cited and make sure that the formatting of the reference is accurate.
  2. Enjoy life at university:Lastly, if you are not happy with your subjects or course, you should get advice from your college faculty. In universities in Canada, students are expected to take responsibility for their progress but are still advised to talk to their professors and lecturers. It is allowed to change to another course, but students should make the changes by the census date to avoid financial penalties. The census data can be found on the website of the college.



Universities and college days are always stuck in the back of every graduated person’s mind. This is because of the environment of the universities, fests, and the lifelong friendship that are by-products tagging along with this phase of life. You can also get in touch with the best consultants like Canadian Hub, who can help you succeed in your first semester when studying in Canada.

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