Efficient and practical strategies to score high in CELPIP Exam

Being an international student or immigrant to Canada, you might have taken an English proficiency test already. To become a permanent resident or gain citizenship in Canada, you need to take another test. Preparing for such a test might be difficult, and we are here to help you in that preparation. Unfortunately, few strategies will help you to score high in the CELPIP exam.

Get used to online examinations-

Due to the pandemic, we all are getting used to online classes and exams, which is a benefit for you. The CELPIP exam is completely computerized, and that is why you should practice for online examinations. Prepare yourself using a desktop because mostly the examination centers will have a desktop setup and not a laptop. Get comfortable using mouse and keyboard and also learn the uses of short keys.

Work on your English skills-

We are always there to help you improve your English; additionally, you can develop some habits to support the process. Read English articles, newspapers, magazines, watch movies and web series in English. Surround yourself with resources that encourage you to practice communicating and understand the English language.

Improve English reading and writing skills-

Often, you understand the meaning but giving the answer in a well-formed sentence becomes difficult. In that case, Canadian Education Hub is by your side. Our detailed training and classes include mock sessions that will help to improve your English reading and writing skills. Understanding the sentence and creating a complete sentence in mind is what you need to do, and the rest will be easy.

Don’t skip proofreading-

During exams, we might make some mistakes that can be avoided with proofreading. Make a habit of proofreading every piece of article sentence you write. Our training program will help you to develop the skills of better proofreading. Make sure you watch the grammatical errors and also work with small sentences.

Work on your listening skills-

In such English proficiency test, you have to be patient and listen first. There will be a listening section that will require sharp listening skills and patience. This will also help in time management.

Improve your time management skills-

In such tests, you have to be on time, and you cannot afford to waste a minute. That is why work on your time management skills. Be calm and understand the question and write down or mark the answer. If you hurry and keep your mind busy with many things at once, you may mess up. Our mock sessions will help you to develop better time management skills.

Work on your note-taking skills-

In some sections of the test, you have to point down some keywords to make the final answer, and that is why your listening skills and note-taking skills will work together.

Improve speaking skills-

There will be a speaking section of the test to coordinate with the electronics and your answers. Develop multitasking skills that will help you to answer fast and also don’t get panic. Check out the free sessions provided by us before you join the course. It will give better exposure to our training process, which will surely help you score better in the CELPIP examination.


Since the CELPIP examination is getting recognized by many universities across the globe, you can trust the process and take the exam. There are several options for English proficiency tests, but to get through the Canadian legal process of permanent residence or citizenship, CELPIP is suggested.

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